The Lawson Blue Ridge Camping Hammock is known as “the original camper’s tent hammock,” which might sound like a mouthful, but it gives you an idea of what it is. It’s a hammock that is also a tent and perfect for camping—if you can handle a little acrobatics.
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First things first, this hammock looks cool as hell. So many people stopped to chat while we were setting it up beside a lake in Yosemite. It’s definitely a conversation starter, considering most people have never seen a tent-hammock-hybrid like it before.
I wouldn’t say it’s the easiest hammock to hang, but it’s not hard. It took us about four minutes to get it up in total.
The Lawson Blue Ridge Camping Hammock comes with straps and buckles to tighten it. There isn’t much slack for wiggle room, so it’s important the trees are the proper distance apart. This makes sense, though, because the longer the straps are, the more give (sagging) there is the hammock, and you definitely don’t want to be sleeping like a banana.
MORE: The Lawson Hammock Underquilt—Perfect for Winter Camping
Full disclosure, I haven’t slept a whole night in it yet. I can tell you it’s very easy to get in and out of and doesn’t flip as easily as you may think. For the couple of hours we hung out and sat it in, it stayed taut and was very comfortable.
It’s a solid product, very well made and a good value for the price. You can get in and out without worrying about ripping, tearing, etc.
Clocking in at 4.25 lbs, it’s about the same weight as a lightweight, backpacking tent, making it a great alternative option.
Misc thoughts
- If bugs are an issue where you live or like to camp, this is a great alternative to sleeping in a regular hammock. It has a full bug net cover so you’re protected.
- With the Lawson, you don’t need to worry about a sleeping pad, unless it’s cold. But if it’s cold, another option is the Lawson Underquilt for even more warmth.
- You also don’t need to worry about finding clear, flat ground to pitch a tent, but you will need some trees to rig it up.
- Even without trees, it’s a great one-man tent for $199.
Yay or nay?
Yay. Overall great value, and very cool, unusual product that’s highly functional.