Why isn’t Cyber Monday a national holiday? Everyone’s still detoxing after Thanksgiving, and we have important things to do today—like shopping great DEALS.
I’m going to make this quick and easy. Here are the absolute BEST deals out there for outdoor gear and apparel. Shop for yourself OR (and?) stock up on holiday gifts while it’s all on sale.
Was I ready to pull the trigger on a new mattress/bed frame, wall sconces, and an iPone 11 Pro today? Not exactly, but you’re losing money if you aren’t shopping on Cyber Monday. It’s simple economics, really. (That’s meant as a joke, but it doesn’t mean I don’t believe it.)
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REI is offering MONSTER deals today, up to 50% off (Dec 2 only), plus an extra 25% off one REI Outlet item (valid thru Dec 9).
Some of the best REI deals for Cyber Monday?
- 50% Off United By Blue Pack Up & Go Collection
- 50% Off REI Co-op Ruckpack 65L Packs for Women & Men
- 25% Off Selected The North Face Jackets and Vests for Women and Men
- 50% Off REI Co-op Trail 40 Packs for Women & Men
- 25% Off All Ruffwear Items
- 50% Off REI Co-op Branded Hydro Flask Water Bottles
- 40% Off Revelate Designs Frame bags
- 30% Off Nikon Prostaff 3S 10×42 Binoculars
- 55% Off Five Ten Quantum Climbing Shoes for Men
- 50% Off Selected Brooks Bras
- 50% Off Mountain Hardwear Ghost Shadow Hoodie & Vest for Women and Men
Hydro Flask deals are good thru Dec 8 with free shipping on certain products (code UNDERTREE19) PLUS:
— 30% off limited edition holiday tumblers (CLAUS19)
— 25% off 32 oz wide mouth wonder (TREE19)
— 25% off 20 oz coffee flask (XMASEVE19)
Kammok hammock + strap discounts, including 55% off the Roo single and Python 10 straps, plus 20% off the Roo Single UL and Python 10 UL straps.
Herschel Duffel Bags are starting at $42.99 on Amazon—typically $89.99.
Tentsile is still 30% off EVERYTHING today. Do not pass this up.
Stanley—the entire website, everything—is 40% off.
Lawson Hammock’s Black Friday deal is still active. 30% off the camping hammock, bringing it down $60 to a very reasonable $140 with code BFCM19.
Coalatree’s entire website is still up to 50% off! And, when you spend $75 on other gear, you get a free hammock!
Eastern Mountain Sports‘ Black Friday sale through TODAY. Get 20% off one full-priced item or 20% off one clearance item with Code FRIDAY19.
KEEN is offering 30% off its entire site and free two-day shipping on orders $125+. And, throughout December: spend $500-999, get $100 off or spend $1000, get $300 off your entire order with code BigDeal2019
Toad and Co (the makers of stylish and eco-friendly outdoor clothing) is 25% off with code GIFTGOOD.
Survival Frog has 30% off survival gear like lights, solar packs, emergency sleeping bags, food, and more.
Black Diamond has huge savings (up to 70% off) past season jackets, apparel, and more.
BackCountry is offering up to 50% off from brands like Patagonia, Arc’teryx, The North Face, Sorel, Marmot, and more.
Topo Designs is offering up to 40% off gear and apparel.
Not really a deal, but Darn Tough is offering a free Sock Capital Coozie on orders made today over $150 (limited to the first 700 orders). Tomorrow, for Giving Tuesday, they’re donating 100% of proceeds to Vermont Food Bank.